



Beam quality improvement in an slab amplifier by the increase of the super-Gaussian order of beam profileEhsan Tanhaee :

Beam quality improvement in an  slab amplifier by the increase 

of the super-Gaussian order of   beam profile

Ehsan Tanhaee

Ehsan Tanhaee and Concepts in LIGHT for people

Concepts in LIGHT and interaction for people

Light is a fascinating phenomenon that plays a crucial role in our daily lives and interactions. It is a form of electromagnetic radiation that our eyes can perceive, enabling us to see and interpret the world around us. Light not only provides illumination but also carries information, allowing us to communicate and connect with one another. In social interactions, light sets the mood and ambiance of a space, influencing our emotions and behavior. For example, warm, soft lighting in a cozy restaurant creates a relaxed and intimate atmosphere, while bright, vibrant lights in a concert venue enhance energy and excitement. Additionally, light can be used creatively to convey messages and expressions. From subtle facial expressions illuminated by a gentle smile to grand artistic displays in a theater, light enhances our ability to express emotions and engage with others. The interplay of light and human interaction is a captivating blend of perception, communication, and emotional connection. 

Ehsan Tanhaee

Ehsan Tanhaee- music and physics

Physics and music share a fascinating relationship, particularly when it comes to relaxation. Both disciplines involve the interplay of vibrations and waves. In physics, the study of waves helps explain the fundamental nature of sound and the principles of acoustics. Similarly, music relies on the manipulation of sound waves to create harmonious melodies and rhythms. When it comes to relaxation, physics and music converge in the concept of resonance. Just as objects vibrate in harmony when exposed to a resonant frequency, music has the power to resonate with our emotions and induce a state of tranquility. The soothing melodies, gentle rhythms, and carefully crafted harmonies can synchronize with our breathing, heart rate, and brainwaves, promoting a sense of calmness and serenity. This connection between physics and music underscores the profound impact that harmonious sounds can have on our well-being and the potential for music to serve as .a powerful tool for relaxation.