



Ehsan Tanhaee's scientific contributions Researchgate

Physics helps us understand how things work in the world around us. It has practical applications that can affect our daily lives and expenses. Here are a few examples:
1.Physics helps us find ways to use renewable energy sources like the sun and wind, which can be better for the environment and potentially lower costs. It also guides the design of energy-efficient appliances, such as LED lights and hybrid cars, which can help us save money on electricity and fuel.
2. This is about how things move and the forces that affect them. Understanding mechanics can help us design vehicles that use less fuel, which can save us money at the gas station. It also helps engineers build strong and safe structures, which can impact construction and maintenance costs.
3: This is about how heat, temperature, and energy are related. By understanding thermodynamics, we can design better heating and cooling systems for our homes, which can make them more comfortable and reduce energy costs. It also plays a role in refrigeration technology, which affects food preservation and energy usage.
4: Optics is about how light behaves. It helps in making better cameras, telescopes, and microscopes, which can improve medical imaging and scientific research. It's also used in fiber optics, which enables high-speed internet, potentially lowering communication costs.
By understanding these physics concepts, we can make informed decisions about energy use, technology choices, and resource management. This can potentially lead to lower living costs, increased efficiency, and a more sustainable lifestyle.

Ehsan Tanhaee : poem ,literacture, physics,Light,matter

In the realm where literature meets physics, A dance of words and scientific tricks, We explore the depths of light and matter, Crafting a poem that will truly scatter.
Let the words flow like rays of light, Illuminating the mysteries in our sight, As metaphors cascade with graceful grace, We delve into the cosmos, a boundless space.
In the tapestry of language and prose, We uncover the secrets that physics chose, From quantum realms to the laws of motion, The interplay of energy and devotion.
The poet's pen becomes a quill of thought, Transcending boundaries that science sought, Capturing the essence of a star's birth, The infinite possibilities of the Earth.
With imagery vivid, we paint the scene, A universe revealed, both real and dream, Particles dance in a cosmic ballet, Whispering tales of atoms at play.
Through stanzas, we navigate space and time, Unraveling the fabric in rhythmic rhyme, Physics entwined with poetic flair, In this fusion of knowledge, we dare.
So let us explore the wonders of the mind, Where literature and physics are intertwined, In this grand tapestry of words we weave, A poem that makes the universe believe.
For in this marriage of art and science, We find the magic of human reliance, Where light and matter, in harmony, dwell, In the poem's embrace, their stories tell.

Ehsan Tanhaee : Light, matter, physics and love and brain

Light, matter, physics, love, relationships, and the brain are interconnected in profound ways that shape our understanding of the world and our experiences as human beings.
Light, as both a physical phenomenon and a metaphorical symbol, plays a central role in our lives. Physically, light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that allows us to see and perceive the world around us. It influences our moods, productivity, and overall well-being. Metaphorically, light is often associated with enlightenment, clarity, and understanding, representing the illumination of knowledge and truth.
Matter, on the other hand, encompasses everything that occupies physical space and has mass. It is the building block of our physical existence, from the tiniest particles to the vast cosmic structures. Matter interacts with light, reflecting, absorbing, or transmitting it, shaping our perception of the world and giving rise to the colors, textures, and forms we encounter.
Physics, the scientific discipline that studies the fundamental laws of nature, provides us with a deeper understanding of the interactions between light and matter. It allows us to explain and predict the behavior of light, matter, and their intricate interplay. Physics uncovers the underlying principles behind phenomena like optics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics, which form the foundation for our comprehension of light, matter, and their interactions.
Love and relationships, core aspects of the human experience, involve intricate processes in the brain. Love encompasses a range of emotions, connections, and bonds that form between individuals. Neurologically, love activates areas in the brain associated with reward, attachment, and social bonding. The brain releases chemicals like dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin, contributing to the feelings of happiness, attachment, and overall well-being associated with love and relationships.
The intricate relationship between light, matter, physics, love, relationships, and the brain highlights the interconnectedness of our experiences. It reminds us that our perceptions, emotions, and connections are deeply intertwined with the fundamental laws of the universe. Exploring these intersections allows us to gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and complexity of our existence and the bonds we form with others.

Ehsan Tanhaee : Optics in daily life for people and Physics

Optics in People's Life:
Optics, the study of light and its properties, plays a significant role in our daily lives. It affects how we see and perceive the world around us. Optics is utilized in various applications such as eyeglasses, cameras, microscopes, and telescopes. Eyeglasses correct vision problems and help us see clearly. Cameras capture and record images using lenses and sensors. Microscopes allow us to explore the microscopic world, and telescopes enable us to observe distant celestial objects. Optics also plays a  role in telecommunications, fiber , and laser technologies.

, doing papers ,Steps in a particular papers and articles , Ehsan Tanhaee

,master, PhD, Steps in a particular papers and articles

 Ehsan Tanhaee

When writing a paper or article, there are several key parts that contribute to its structure and cohesiveness. The introduction serves as the opening section, providing an overview of the topic, its significance, and the research question or objective. Following the introduction, the literature review presents a comprehensive analysis of existing scholarly works relevant to the topic, highlighting the existing knowledge and research gaps. The methodology section outlines the research design, data collection methods, and any statistical or analytical techniques employed. Results present the findings of the study, often in the form of tables, graphs, or descriptive narratives. The discussion section interprets and analyzes the results, relating them back to the research question and incorporating relevant literature. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the key findings, highlights their implications, and may suggest avenues for future research. In addition to these core sections, papers and articles typically include an abstract, which provides a concise summary of the entire work, as well as a list of references, acknowledging the sources consulted and cited throughout the paper. By incorporating these various parts, papers and articles can effectively convey research findings and contribute to the academic discourse.